Debit Card Fraud Alert
Debit Card Fraud Alert
To protect our member’s information and accounts, we have temporarily blocked certain states to prevent further debit card fraud.
These states are currently producing large volumes of debit card transaction fraud. Any transactions out of these states will be blocked by our debit card processor at this time. We are working very diligently with our debit card processor on a resolution.
Card monitoring is available within our Grand Trunk (BC) Employees Federal Credit Union’s mobile app under ‘Card Services’. Please help protect your accounts by monitoring your account online and by viewing statements. Account transactions can be viewed within the app or online by logging into ItsMe247. If you suspect any fraudulent transactions on your account, please notify us immediately.
We apologize for any inconvenience and will provide updates as we work through this issue. Our number one priority is to safeguard your accounts and personal information. If there are any further questions, please contact us at 269-965-1381.
Categorized in: Fraud Alerts, News