An Update About COVID-19
August 17, 2020
Due to COVID-19, our lobby will be temporarily closed as of August 17, 2020. This is a temporary closure and we plan to reopen as soon as possible. Please use the drive-thru for your banking transactions. If you have a more in-depth transaction, please give us a call at 269-965-1381 for assistance.
Please remember we offer many electronic services for our members. We are happy to discuss these options further with you and assist you over the phone.
Online banking
GT (BC) EFCU mobile app
Account balances
Account transfers and payments
Person 2 Person Transfers (P2P)
Bill pay
E-signing loan documents
Online VISA applications
Thank you for your cooperation and patience as we work through these difficult times.
July 13, 2020

Starting Monday, July 13, 2020, to comply with the Governor’s new executive order No. 2020-147, anyone entering our building must have a face mask or covering on while inside our lobby. We may request to temporarily remove it for identification purposes.
If you are medically unable to wear a face mask or covering, you do not need to wear one.
If you forgot it at home or are more comfortable without one – no worries! Remember, we have other ways we can help serve you!
Drive-thru service
Online banking through ItsMe247 or our mobile app
Online loan applications and e-signing loan documents
Thank you for getting onboard with Grand Trunk (BC) EFCU and helping protect our other members and staff! Our top priority is providing our members with a safe environment to conduct their business. We thank all of our members for their cooperation and patience during this pandemic.
June 4, 2020
Welcome back!
We will be welcoming our members back into the office starting Monday, June 8, 2020. Our lobby will be back open during normal business hours Monday-Friday. During the reopening phase, Saturdays will be drive-thru only. We are dedicated to our member’s and staff’s safety during the reopening phases. Please read our safety precautions and changes in how we will serve you.
Safety Precautions: We have made the following changes in how we serve you to best keep your safety and our staff’s wellbeing our number one priority.
*Prescreen yourself before entering our lobby. If you have had any symptoms, such as: fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath within the last 3 days OR have had any contact with another person with COVID-19 within the last 7 days, please use our drive-thru or online services.
*We are asking our members to remain mask-free when entering our building due to identification purposes. If you would prefer to wear your mask, please continue to use our drive-thru for your banking needs.
*Social distancing markers have been placed on the floor in the lobby. Please use the markers while waiting for service.
*We reserve the right to control the number of members in the lobby. To help with this, please limit yourself to only the person(s) necessary to perform the transaction(s).
*Free standing plexiglass guards are stationed at each desk. Following, Michigan’s Safe Start Plan, our employees will wear face masks to help do our part in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Employees will be wearing face coverings when social distancing can’t be maintained throughout the office.
*Alcohol-based sanitizer is available to all members at the teller line and throughout our lobby and offices.
*Rigorous cleaning of our entryway, lobby and drive-thru will continue.
Thank you again for your continued patience and cooperation during this difficult time. We appreciate all of our members and are excited to see you!
May 29, 2020
Welcome back!
We are excited to announce our lobby will be open by appointment only starting Monday, June 1, 2020. This will help service our members with more in-depth needs, such as new accounts, trust, wire transfers, certificates, notary services and more. We will continue to monitor public health recommendations, as we plan to open entirely. Please give us a call at 269-965-1381 or 1-800-524-2402 to schedule an appointment.
To keep the excitement going, our drive-thru will be back open on Saturdays, starting June 6, 2020.
Safety Precautions: We have made the following changes in how we serve you to best keep your safety and our staff’s wellbeing our number one priority.
* Prescreen yourself before entering our lobby. If you have had any symptoms, such as: fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath within the last 3 days OR have had any contact with another person with COVID-19 within the last 7 days, please use our drive-thru or online services.
* We are asking members to remain mask-free when entering our building due to identification purposes. If you would prefer to wear your mask, please continue to use our drive-thru for your banking needs.
* During this reopening phase, our lobby will be open for appointments only. If you have an in-depth transaction or need, please give us a call to set up an appointment.
* Social distancing markers have been placed on the floor in the lobby. Please use the markers while waiting for service.
* Alcohol-based sanitizer is available to all members at the teller line and throughout our lobby and offices.
* Free standing plexiglass guards are stationed at each desk. The Stay Home, Stay Safe Executive Order requires our employees to wear face masks to help do our part in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Employees will be wearing face coverings when social distancing can’t be maintained throughout the office.
* Rigorous cleaning of our entryway, lobby and drive-thru will continue.
* As we move forward and the office opens, we will reserve the right to control the number of members in the lobby. To help with this, please limit yourself to only the person(s) necessary to perform the transaction(s).
Please remember, there are many different options to access your accounts. Our drive-thru, ATM and Night Drop are available at our location to access funds and make deposits and withdrawals. Keep in mind, our online banking services through ItsMe247 and our GT mobile app are available to you 24/7 from any location. These services include the ability to transfer funds, make payments, and access bill pay and P2P services.
As we navigate through the reopening phase into our new normal, please continue to visit our website for any updates. Thank you for your cooperation and patience during these past few months. We look forward to seeing all of our members again!
April 15, 2020
As we continue to monitor the progression of COVID-19 while following the Governor’s guidelines, we will be temporarily adjusting how we serve you on Saturdays. Starting on April 18, 2020, our drive thru will be closed on Saturdays until further notice following the Stay Home, Stay Safe Order. Our drive-thru will be open regular business hours Monday-Friday. Our lobby will continue to remain closed.
March 23, 2020
YOUR credit union is part of the essential business list and will remain open during this time following the Governor’s guidelines. We will continue with servicing you by drive-thru only during normal business hours. Our lobby will be accessible by appointments only. Please give us a call at 1-800-524-2402 to make an appointment when needed. Please remember we offer e-signing services for loans and other documents.
Please remember we offer many electronic services for our members. We encourage our members to use these services and remain home for their safety and wellbeing. We are happy to discuss these options further with you and assist over the phone.
Online banking
GT (BC)EFCU Mobile App
Account Balances
Account Transfers
CU Easy Pay (Bill Pay)
P2P (Pay Anyone) Transfers
Review E-statements
Loan/VISA Applications
Manage Debit/VISA Cards
Night Drop Depository
ATM/Debit Cards
Skip-A-Pay Program
YOUR credit union and its financial partners are working together through the difficult months ahead. Grand Trunk (BC) Employees Federal Credit Union is financially sound and your money is safe. Your deposits up to $250,000.00 are insured by the NCUA.
We are committed to our members, staff and community and keeping their wellbeing is our number one priority. We recognize the concern and are closely monitoring the spread in our community. We are continuously cleaning our drive-thru tubes and surface areas multiple times throughout the day.
Again, thank you for your membership.
March 19, 2020
As the COVID-19 cases continue to increase in Michigan, we have decided to make some temporary adjustments in service to our members. Starting March 19, 2020 at 12:00 pm, we will be servicing you by drive-thru only. We will continue this adjustment until further notice during normal business hours.
Please note: our lobby will be accessible by appointments only. Please give us a call at 269-965-1381 to make an appointment when needed. Please remember our e-signing services for loans and other documents are available for your financial needs.
Grand Trunk (BC) EFCU is dedicated to our membership and we want you to know your money is protected and safe. Grand Trunk (BC) EFCU holds a strong capital position and we are prepared financially to endure this pandemic. Your deposits are insured by the NCUA.
As a reminder, your accounts are accessible through our website by ItsMe247, our mobile app and by calling CU*Talk. Our onsite ATM is free to all of our members for cash withdrawals. In the closest lane of our drive-thru, we have our night deposit slot for any members wishing to drop off deposits for next business day morning processing. For those members who have loans and are facing hardships, please inquire about our Skip-A-Pay Program. It is a free program that has always been in place for our members.
We are committed to doing our part in protecting our community and keeping our members and staff’s wellbeing and safety our number one priority. Again, we recognize the impact this could have on our membership and we are here to work with you. We sincerely appreciate your patience and cooperation during this time.
Thank you for being a part of our large family!
March 17, 2020
Dear Members,
As we track the latest developments surrounding the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic, we want to provide a few updates to our members:
75th Annual Meeting:
We regret to announce that we are postponing our 75th Annual Meeting. We expect to hold our Annual Meeting later this year, but a specific date has not yet been set. To our members who have already purchased tickets, we will gladly refund your money or transfer your tickets to the new rescheduled date. We hope you all can still gather and enjoy this time with us. Please watch for updates as we will be working through this change in events.
Our commitment:
We want our members to know that we are closely monitoring the spread and impact on our community. We recognize the impact this could have on our members and we are here to work with you. Currently, our offices are open to you without any interruption. If you stop into our office, please know we are taking precautions to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of our members and staff. We are continuously cleaning the lobby and offices throughout the day to disinfect any surface areas to provide a safe environment. We will continue to monitor and follow guidelines set forth by the Center of Disease Control (CDC).
Alternative Account Access:
We encourage our members to use our services that are available without coming into the credit union. All of the following services are available through our online banking, ItsMe247, and our mobile app available for download in app stores:
- Account Information
- Check Balances
- Account Transfers
- CU Easy Pay (bill pay)
- P2P (Pay Anyone) Transfers
- Review E-statements
- Manage Debit/VISA Cards
- Loan/VISA Applications
You can also access account information and make transfers by calling CU*Talk at 800-327-3478.
As the effect on Michigan continues to change, we will be prepared and provide continued updates. Thank you for your patience, cooperation and membership.

LuAnn M Schott
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